Rabu, 14 Maret 2012

Conditional Sentence

Conditional Sentences are sentences used to express supposition of an event that has not happened, or even impossible. Conditionals has several forms that representdifferent forms of time, in other words, the form of conditional sentence will depend on theassumed form of the event. Here are a few patterns of Conditional Sentences.

Conditional 1

 IF + S + Present Tense, S + Future Tense

Example :
·          If it doesn’t rain, I will go shopping.
·         If i study, i will pass the examps.
·         If the sun shines, we will walk to the town.
·         If he has a temperature, he will see the doctor.
·         If my friends come, i will be verry happy.
·         If she earns a lot of money, she will fly to new york.
·         If we travel to london, we will visit the museums.
·         If you wear sandals in the mountains, you will slip on the rock.
·         If Rita forgets her homework, the teacher will  give her a low mark.
·         If they go to the disko, they will listen to loud music.
·         If you wait a minute, i will ask my parents.
·         I will  fix your bicycle if  i have a screwdriver of the proper size.
·         Jack will shave today if  he has a sharp razor.

Conditional 2

   If + S + Past Tense, S + Past Future

Example :
·          If you came home earlier, I would make you a cake.
Fact : I don’t make you a cake because you come home earlier.
·         If  a played the lottery, i would have a chance to hit the jackpot.
Fact : i don’t have a chance to hit the jackpot because a play doesn’t the     lottery.
·         If  i hit the jackpot, i would be rich.
Fact : i don’t be rich because hit the jackpot.
·         If I were rich, my life would change completely.
Fact : my life don’t change completely because I not rich.  
·         I would buy a lonely island, if i found a nice one.
Fact : i don’t find a nice one because i don’t buy a lonely island.
·         If  i owned a lonely island, i would build a huge house by the beach.
Fact : i don’t build a huge house by the beach because i don’t own a lonely                                 island.
·         I would invite all my friends if i had a house by the beach.
Fact : i don’t a house by the beach because i don’t invite all my friends.
·         I would pick my friends up in my friends  if they wanted to spend their  holidays on my island.
Fact : they don’t want to spend their  holidays on my island because i don’t pick  my friends .
·         We would have great party if my friends came to my island.
Fact : my friends doesn’t come to my island because dont’t have great party.
·         If we liked to go shopping in a big city, we would charter a helicopter.
Fact : we don’t charter a helicopter because we don’t like to go shopping in a bag city.
·         if  my friends’ holiday were over, i would feel very lonely on my lonely island.
Fact : i don’t feel very lonely on my lonely island because my friends’ doesn’t holiday were over. 
·         I would fly if i were a bird
Fact : i  don’t fly because i don,t a bird.
·         My teacher would punish me if  i came late.
Fact : i don’t come late because my teacher don’t punish me.
·         Felix would kill you if you stole his car.
Fact : felix doesn’t kill you because you don’t stole his car.
·         If  i had enough time now,  i would write to my parents.
Fact : i don’t write to my parents because i don’t enought time now.
·         He would not come to your party if  you did not ninvite him.
Fact : he does come to your party because you did invite him.

Real Condition : You don’t come home earlier,
So I don’t make a cake for you.

Conditional 3

    If + s + Past Perfect, S + Future Past Perfect

Example :
·          If you had studied hard, you would have passed the exam.
Fact : You passed the exam because you study hard.
·         If the midfielders had passed the ball more exactly, our team would have had more chances to attack.
Fact : Our team had more chances to attack because the midfielders pass the ball more exactly.
·         If the forwards had run faster, they would have scored more goals.
Fact : they scored more goals because the forwards run faster.
·         Their motivation would have improved if they had kicked a goal during the first half.
Fact : their motivation improved because they kicked a goal during the first half.
·         The fullbacks would have prevented one or the other goal if they had marked their opponents.
Fact : The fullbacks prevented one or the other goal because they mark their opponents.
·         If the goalie had jumped up, he would have caught the ball.
Fact : He caught the ball because the goalie jump up.
·         If the referee had seen the foul, he would have awarded a penalty kick to our team.
Fact : He awarded a penalty kick to our team because the referee seen the foul.
·         Our team would have been in better form if they had trained harder the weeks before.
Fact : Our team been in better form because they train harder the weeks before.
·         The game would have become better if the trainer had sent a substitute in during the second half.
Fact : The game become better because the trainer sent a substitute in during the second half.
·         If it had been a home game, our team would have won the match.
Fact : Our team won the match because it been a home game.
·         If our team had won the match, they would have moved up in the league.
Fact : They moved up in the league because our team win the match.
·         I would have jumped from the second floor if there had been a bomb here.
Fact : a jumped from the second floor because there been a bomb here.
·         The police would have a cough you if you had brought drugs.
Fact :The police a cough you because you bring drugs.
·         Lorita would have cried if orlando had kissed her.
Fact : Lorita cried because orlando kiss her.
·         If  you had told me about the problem, i would have helped you.
Fact : I helped you because you tell me about the problem.
·         I would not have got wet yesterday if i had remembered to take umbrella with me yesterday.
Fact : I not got wet yesterday because i remember to take umbrella with me yesterday.

Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012


Bahan plastik dalam pemanfaatannya di kehidupan manusia memang tak dapat dielakkan. Sebagian besar penduduk di dunia memanfaatkan plastik dalam menjalankan aktivitasnya. Berdasarkan data Environmental  Protection  Agency  (EPA)  Amerika  Serikat,  pada  tahun  2001,  penduduk  Amerika Serikat  menggunakan  sedikitnya  25  juta  ton  plastik  setiap  tahunnya.  Belum  ditambah  pengguna plastik di negara lainnya. 
Bukan  suatu  yang  mengherankan  jika  plastik  banyak digunakan. Plastik memiliki banyak  kelebihan dibandingkan bahan lainnya. Secara umum, plastik memiliki densitas yang rendah,  bersifat  isolasi  terhadap  listrik,  mempunyai kekuatan mekanik yang bervariasi, ketahanan suhu terbatas, serta  ketahanan  bahan  kimia  yang  bervariasi.  Selain  itu, plastik  juga  ringan, mudah  dalam  perancangan,  dan  biaya pembuatan murah. Sayangnya, di balik segala kelebihan itu, limbah  plastik  menimbulkan  masalah  bagi  lingkungan. Penyebabnya tak lain sifat plastik yang tidak dapat diuraikan dalam  tanah.  Perlu  waktu  berpuluhpuluh  tahun  untuk tanah  menguraikan  limbahlimbah  dari  bahan  plastik tersebut.  Untuk mengatasinya,  para  pakar  lingkungan  dan ilmuwan  dari  berbagai  disiplin  ilmu  telah  melakukan berbagai penelitian dan tindakan. Salah satunya dengan cara mendaur  ulang  limbah  plastik.  Namun,  cara  ini  tidaklah terlalu  efektif.  Hanya  sekitar  4%  yang  dapat  didaur  ulang, sisanya menggunung di tempat penampungan sampah. 
Sampah plastik selama ini kerap menjadi masalah di sejumlah kota besar. Selain tak bisa terurai dan sulit dikelola, sampah jenis ini juga dapat mencemari tanah. Perlu waktu ratusan tahun untuk membuat sampah plastik terurai.

Kalaupun plastik bisa terurai, namun partikel-partikel plastik malah akan meracuni tanah. Sedangkan jika plastik dibakar, justru akan menghasilkan asap yang berbahaya bagi pernapasan manusia.

Di Korea, sampah plastik sudah diolah menjadi solar dan bensin. Untuk pengolahannya, dari 23 ton sampah plastik itu sudah bisa menghasilkan 30 ribu liter solar.

Cara yang ditempuh untuk menghasilkan BBM dari plastik adalah, sampah plastik diolah dan dipanaskan hingga suhu 450 derajat celcius. Cara memanaskan menggunakan alat bernama Recycle Oil Machine.

Dari hasil pemanasan tersebut didapatkan minyak berupa 60 persen solar dan 40 persen bensin. Bila digunakan untuk bahan bakar kendaraan jenis bensin, kualitas plastik olahan belum bagus. Namun kualitas solarnya jauh lebih baik. Bahkan di Korea sudah dipakai untuk kendaraan.

 pengolahan sampah plastik menjadi minyak adalah salah satu solusi yang baik di Kota besar, pasalnya selama ini produksi sampah yang begitu besar menjadikan masalah tersendiri bagi lingkungan.

"Dari 1.200 sampah ternyata berpotensi menghasilkan sekitar 10 ribu liter BBM setelah dipilah. Potensi ini tentu membanggakan. Sehingga masyarakat lokal dapat di pakai sebagai tenaga kerja.

 sampah plastik:

  alat pengolahan sampah

Dengan ini saya berharap bisa mengubah limbah plastik menjadi bahan bakar minyak (BBM). Hasil penguraian limbah plastik ini dikenal dengan minyak plastik.

kualitas minyak plastik setingkat lebih tinggi dibanding minyak tanah. Namun masih di bawah bensin. Minyak plastik ini baru bisa digunakan untuk bahan bakar kompor dan lampu.

penelitian soal minyak plastik ini dipicu keprihatinan akan menumpuknya limbah plastik di sekitar sekolah dan harga BBM yang terus merangkak naik.
Kita tahu pasti bahwa asap itu mengandung racun. Asap dari plastik. Kita tidak terbuang sama sekali. Asap tidak keluar sama sekali. Justru dari asap itulah maka plastik bisa keluar cairannya itu. Embunnya itu. Jadi hasil penguapan itu akan jadi minyak.
Minyak plastic ini di olah melalui proses penyulingan dengan menggunakan alat sederhana berupa tabung gas 3 kilogram untuk membakar limbah plastic. Uap hasil pembakaran di tamping dalam tabung kaca, hasil pengmbunan itu menjadi minyak dan bisa di gunakan untuk pengganti alternative BBM yang ramah lingkungan.